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Feeling the presence of God in times of uncertainty.

Writer's picture: HopeAnn Noble HopeAnn Noble

The past couple of weeks, I've been reflecting on how I've experienced the presence of God at different points in my life. As seasons have changed and so have I, my encounters with God have also changed.

During my single years, I could easily say that I felt God's presence most while having ample time to journal and worship behind closed doors. During my single years, I could also say I experienced God's presence most while dancing, teaching and traveling.

Once I became a wife, I have often experienced the presence of God through my husband's love, affection and forgiveness towards me. I experience God's presence through the oneness my husband and I share in covenant with all the ups and downs that come with marriage.

Once I became a mom, well...this one has taken me quite awhile to sort out. Quite awhile. It's been a journey and will continue to be a journey of figuring how to experience God's presence while being so needed in a way I have never known. However, I do know one very important aspect for me experiencing God's presence comes back to simple obedience.

James 2: 21, 24, 26

Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

No matter what season of life we're in, we can ALWAYS experience God's presence when our faith and actions meet together in tangible ways. For me right now, this looks like:

* Choosing kindness over frustration with my toddler

* Packing my husband's lunch because his mind is so full and overwhelmed these days

* Being generous with something I have when I'd rather hold onto it

* Resting when I need to and trusting God with all the tasks at hand

* Opening my heart to my husband's perspective on something when I don't see it the way he does

* Using wisdom to prepare for the uncertainties we all are facing yet trusting God's ultimate provision

And this leads me to the main point of this week's blog.

How do we experience God's presence in times of uncertainty?

This is the big lingering question I think we all are facing.

We must. We must remain attached to the vine. We must remain anchored to our Source.

John 15:4

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me.

Every season of our life will bring about different uncertainties. It might be stepping into marriage or motherhood or a new job or a new responsibility...and the greater one at hand for all of us is the uncertainty of finances in the current state of our nation.

Our position must be to abide in Jesus. To walk in daily obedience no matter what the cost might be. We hide ourselves in Him through prayer and worship; through displaying our faith through our actions.

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

So, dear friend, hide yourself in Christ Jesus and YOU WILL experience God's presence in this season and the next.


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