Some weeks when I sit down to write, there seems to be no specific topic on my brain. Instead, I like to see how the words unfold as I collect my thoughts and draw from what I'm currently processing through. Consider this like a blank canvas; ready to be crafted into something. When we create, it's liberating ourselves and others. When we create, we are tossing one more pebble into the ocean of greatness, adding value and meaning to this life we all are living.
Creating is not a test. Sure, we try things out to determine if they are worth repeating but overall, creating is not a test. Creating is a life-long journey of discovery. For me, I enjoy looking back on my choreography or pieces I've danced in. I enjoy remembering where I was in that season and what came out as an expression of what was within. Some seasons of my life were more somber. Some more innovative. Some more joy-filled. Some more desperate. But in every season there was something to unfold...a new well to dig up to allow the spring to flow more freely, so to speak.
No matter what your craft is, I think we all have this ideal picture perfect mindset. We all are afraid that creating something new is a pass or fail test. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard these words from my dance students, "I can't." My response is, "Who told you so?" Who is the liar that destroys our God-given ability to imagine, to dream and to create? Who whispers defeat and fear in our minds day after day? satan. (and I'm not about to go ahead and capitalize that "S" !!)
John 10:10 --> "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."
I believe with all that I am that God created you to CREATE with Him! To DREAM with Him! You are not living this life at a school desk with a pass or fail test in front of you. You don't have to get it all right the first time. You can make mistakes. You can fall flat on your face. And you and I can choose to stand on our feet (again) to walk humbly with the Lord.
To all the artists out there:
Do your thing!
Do that thing that burns inside of you.
The world needs Light, Truth, Purity and Beauty.
You are sincerely irreplaceable.
And God has wired you in a specific way to share His heart with the world.
Stop looking around in comparison.
Stop scrolling through wishing you had someone else's life.
And live it to the fullest knowing that you are free to CREATE with the CREATOR OF THE WORLD!