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thankful for toilet paper.

Writer's picture: HopeAnn Noble HopeAnn Noble

Yesterday as I was putting away groceries, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the goodness of God in providing for us in all the small things - in all those small insignificant ways like clean water, fresh produce, bread, milk and toilet paper (which is, by the way, still difficult to find!)

The past three months will forever be marked by teaching me a greater measure of thankfulness and by revealing an entitlement attitude that I often carry around. With each day there has been an opportunity to see the light through the darkness; to see God's goodness saturate the earth.

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. ~Ephesians 1:18

You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy. ~Psalm 63:5

Sometimes I truly believe that our entitlement attitude has ruined us for experiencing the rich and abundant life Jesus promised. For those of us who profess to follow Jesus Christ, why do we think we are entitled to a life without hardship? Why do we think we are to be free from persecution when Jesus clearly tells us, "In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome this world!" ~John 16:33

We are not going to find the answers we need from the world. The news will never satisfy us. Social media will never fill the void. The government will never provide what has been lost. The grocery stores will never have what we need to feed our souls.

Our breakthrough doesn't come from answered prayers. Our breakthrough comes at the point of thankfulness in the midnight hour. Our breakthrough comes when we choose to live in our reality, not hoping for an alternative one. Our breakthrough comes when we intentionally choose joy when life is still a mess around us or within us.

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

~Colossians 2:7

What if God allowed all of this to cleanse us from an entitlement attitude?

What if God allowed all of this to wake us up to what it truly means to follow Christ?

What if God allowed all of this so that our lives become ever more anchored in Him?

Friend, life has so many interruptions and sorrows. And truly, I grieve with you in the losses you have experienced the past three months. However, I just want to remind us that, in Christ, we are rich. We have a hope that can never be destroyed. We have a home that is not here on earth. We are simply strangers passing through with a great mission. We have a purpose that is not earth bound. So...may thankfulness saturate us today, like water saturates the ground. May thankfulness bring forth new perspectives and new attitudes as we continue walking by faith, not by sight.


P.S. And yes, I am so thankful we were able to stock up on toilet paper before baby Noble arrives in June!


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