The kindness of the Lord will always amaze me. His kindness leads us through the darkest of valleys. His kindness pursues us when we don’t pursue Him. His kindness leads us to repentance. His kindness reminds us that He is still good.
Answered or not answered prayers aren’t a measure of God’s goodness.
Read that again.
As much as it’s difficult to walk in this truth, we all need to be reminded - our Father is who He says He is. He is unchanging and His goodness does not fluctuate with pain, loss or suffering.
I thought I knew this…
Until about a month and a half ago when we were faced with walking through another miscarriage. I was caught in waves of anger that I don’t recall ever experiencing…and waves of bitterness towards the Lord that He had allowed loss to come, again. And I found myself not only having to deal with the sadness of losing another baby but also having to face so many unmet expectations that I had built up. I had painted a pretty picture in my mind of what I thought things should look like and the Lord allowed me to face ALL OF IT.
He was gracious to meet me / us where we were at. And in His kindness, He drew us out of the dark valley and gave us a new song to sing.
A song about His kindness.
It is a wonder to me how God can use the storms of life to bring us to Himself —> how pain and suffering are allowed by Him so that we experience WHO HE IS in a way we wouldn’t otherwise experience.
Pain and suffering are a part of this life, my friend. But it’s not the end. It’s not a reflection of who God is. Our mistake is connecting the two (pain and the character of God).
What if we were meant to discover His character in the pain?
I know that we all are walking through joys and sorrows. I pray that during this Christmas season, we are truly able to reflect on the kindness of the Lord and how He has sustained us. May we make space to sit in stillness. May we open our hearts to hear His voice. May we see afresh how incredibly extravagant His love truly is.
Be encouraged today. Our Jesus is good.
