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Biblical Womanhood vs. Feminism

Writer's picture: HopeAnn Noble HopeAnn Noble

I'm starting this blog with a deep breath, knowing there will be differing opinions. As a writer, I am coming to understand the importance of standing confident in what I share while also desiring the conversation piece that two opinions bring to the table. As we begin, dear friend, I say "Welcome to the table."

I am continuing the discussion of Biblical Womanhood as I began in February. And yes, we're going to hit the topic of feminism. But before we even touch that word, I want to put a magnifying glass to God's Word and who He says we are as women. I don't know about you, but I care less and less about the world's opinions of me as a woman. I want solid Truth. I want the Word of God to saturate every part of my life. And I want to use my voice to silence the lies of the enemy that come in so many forms.

What does the Word of God say about us as women?

Jesus' extravagant treatment of women shows us how He called them out of the cultural shadows. He shifted every "norm" by elevating women & calling out their strength, dignity and worth. These examples can be found in:

Luke 7:11-17 (Jesus speaks to women in public)

Luke 13:12 (Jesus heals a crippled woman)

Luke 8:43-48 (Jesus heals a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years)

John 8:1-11 (Jesus calls out the destiny of a woman caught in adultery)

Luke 8:1-3 (Women ministered with Jesus along his travels)

Anything we know about Jesus' day tells us that women were viewed as property; the utter minority that was downgraded to the lowest of lows. Jesus broke the cultural stigma and called forth women's beauty; encouraging them to live out their life's purpose. Every time Jesus treated a woman with strength, dignity and worth, she was liberated to walk in her fullest beauty.

Now, I understand there are so many subject matters that we can concentrate on with biblical womanhood vs. feminism. I need to make one thing clear before I continue on with this specific topic. I am in no way advocating that women are "less than" men and therefore, should be treated differently. I believe men and women are equal through the eyes of our Creator, God Himself. I believe there is no room for evil behavior that has been infringed upon women for centuries. And my heart grieves deeply for women who have been forever scarred by the evil actions that have come from men. Ladies, if you have been treated by men like property, as in Jesus' day, I am so sorry....and I just need to tell you today that you are loved deeply. You are beautiful. You are worth fighting for. Jesus understands and there is healing for you through Christ. I am praying for you today.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;

he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Psalm 34:18


What comes to mind when you hear the word "feminism?"

I think this question is worth pondering considering the culture we live in today. You have probably heard the statement "Women can do whatever men can do". This is the focal point I want to take in discussing biblical womanhood vs. feminism.

Why would we want to do whatever a man can do? Why would we want to be just like men when God has given us our own strength, dignity and worth? Why would we want to trade in our sacred beauty for the sake of proving that we are just like men in every way?

I can honestly say that I appreciate the freedoms women have fought for over centuries. And the original vision of feminism was something that was worth fighting for. I am eternally grateful for women like Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale, Mother Theresa and Corrie ten Boom, just to name a few. But it has transformed into something else recently that has become toxic and damaging.

In my observation, the statement "Women can do whatever men can do", has come from fear that men will forever try to overpower women. To fight against that fear, we have gone to the other extreme. And although, many men have and will try to overpower women, there are just as many who will follow Christ's example and instead seek to love them. This is why men and women both need the biblical standard to live by. Godly men want to be good leaders for their families. Godly men want to provide well through their jobs. Godly men want to offer their strengths to improve the world we live in. Godly men want to protect women and children, even when it costs them their own life. And Godly men who declare to follow Jesus Christ want to glorify Him through their daily lives. Remember it was men like these who wrote the constitution of the United States which paved the way for both men and women to enjoy equal status under the law - even if it would take some time for those rights to be fully realized.

The other interesting thing is that modern feminism has made manhood the ultimate goal. Since there are things men will always do better, it sets modern women up for perpetual failure and disappointment. Why not embrace and celebrate what we do well as women?

Ladies, I believe the enemy is doing an incredible work at destroying the abundant life we could be living. We are so caught up in proving ourselves that we are missing who God created us to be. We are missing out on walking in the beauty God bestowed upon us. What if we spent more time growing the seeds already planted in our hearts and less time trying to be "just like men?" What if we stopped trying to prove ourselves to our husbands and allowed them to lead us, protect us and provide for us? What would happen to their own self-confidence as men? I can assure would sky-rocket! What would happen if we walked in our own beauty? I can assure you...our homes would flourish!

I can tell you this much.

I don't want to be like a man.

I am grateful for the blessing of being able to carry LIFE within me.

I am grateful for the ability to multi-task & be creative with what I have to work with.

I am grateful for my long gorgeous hair =)

I am grateful for my passion to cook & organize our home.

I am grateful for my many emotions that God has given me.

I am grateful for my desire to raise our children.

I am grateful for my unique dreams and gifts that a man does not have.

And I am grateful for the unique dreams and gifts that God has given men that we do not have.

Yes it's true.

Men have strengths we do not have and vice versa.

Biblical womanhood is about knowing our uniqueness as women and walking in the Truth of God's Word. Biblical Womanhood is about knowing our identity in Christ and walking in confidence in Him, not in what the world tell us we are.

Dear friend,

Walk in your beauty.

Walk in confidence.

Walk in humility.

Walk with Jesus.

Proverbs 31:29

"There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,

but you surpass them all!"

** If you have any thoughts on this subject matter, I welcome you to respond. Please do not hesitate to write to me directly at



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